Thursday, December 27, 2018

设立在槟城的世界佛邮馆 1月1日正式开放参观 Opening of World Buddhist Stamps Gallery at Penang on 1/1/2019




世界佛邮馆的官方网站, 已经正式与大众见面了,欢迎游览。

世界佛邮馆建于马佛基金会槟城的总部底楼,地址是:129 Jalan Seang Teik, 10400 Penang, Malaysia.今次展览的主题是:赏佛邮,游世遗。群众可以通过这次的展览,认识到有这么多的世界各地佛教胜地,都是被联合国列入世界遗产的名册中。展示的资料呈现,经过精心设计,不但可以看到放大后精致的佛邮,也可以在现场见识到每一张真邮票的“真品”。


为了鼓励更多人来参观,世界佛邮馆没有收入门票,免费开放给各界人士参观。要来参观的朋友,我们鼓励你到佛邮馆的网页预约,告诉我们你要参观的时间,以方便我们恭候大驾;这样可以避免太多人同时参观的情景。记得Online Booking喔!(当然如果没有Booking,我们也是欢迎的)。展览馆开放的时间是星期二到星期日,上午10点到下午6点,星期一休息。
Opening of World Buddhist Stamps Gallery at Penang on 1/1/2019

In the beginning of 2019, Malaysia ushered in an exciting news, i.e. the opening of the World Buddhist Stamps Gallery (WBSG) in Penang to the world. The objective of setting up WBSG is to introduce to the world about the development of Buddhism through postal stamps.

The set up of the WBSG is only possible through our stamps donor, Mr. Leong Kok Hing, who officially donated his 40 years of collection of Buddhist stamps to the Yayasan Belia Buddhist Malaysia (YBBM) in June 2018. Besides taking proper care of the collection, YBBM also carry the mission in setting up gallery to exhibit those precious stamps to the public.

Today, the gallery is ready for public viewing and the official web site: www.wbsg129,org is being established.

The WBSG is located at YBBM HQ: 129 Jalan Seang Teik, 10400 Penang, Malaysia. The exhibition theme for this round is: World Buddhist Heritage Through Stamps. Through this, visitors will get to know that there are so many World Heritage Sites listed by UNESCO are Buddhist related sites. From the unique design of the presentation, visitors not only can view the stamps detail through an enlarge image, but also can view the original stamps in the gallery too.

At the last portion of the gallery, we prepared a photo taking area for selfie or group photo. You may have your sweet memories on the stamps through our services to help you turn your photo into the personalized stamps. Worth trying!

In order to encourage more people to visit WBSG, no entrance fee is charged.  You may visit our web site to book your visit.  The gallery opening hour is Tue-Sun, 10am – 6pm. Closed on Monday.

请按链接  Click :

Monday, December 24, 2018

2018 年绘本轮转替换工作

感恩大专佛青协助启动华小绘本馆 2018 年的 绘本轮转替换工作 。学校老师也带了孩子前来协助。

Friday, December 21, 2018

YBBM Bulletin - 2018 June till November 马佛基金会会讯 -2018年6月至11月

Dear Dharma Supporters,

We are pleased to attach herewith the activities of the Yayasan Belia Buddhist Malaysia carried out from 2018 June till November for your kind attention.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and contribution to enable us to continue to implement the manifold activities of the Yayasan as planned.

With Metta / YBBM

 马佛基金会   合十

Tuesday, December 18, 2018


Dear Dharma Supporters,

Greetings to a Very Happy & Prosperous Chinese New Year. 

We are pleased to inform you that the Yayasan Belia Buddhist Malaysia will be organising the Buddha Puja and Offering to the Devas and Angpow Blessing for this coming Chinese New Year. The purpose of this annual project is to encourage members of the Buddhist community to give their support towards the regular activities organised by the Yayasan. 

We would like to thank you for your spontaneous support and kind thoughts given to the Yayasan all these years. Please do find the attachment file of the project for your kind reference and attention.

Thank you.

With Metta/YBBM






马来西亚佛教发展基金会    合十