Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Monday, December 2, 2019

2019 Study Grants for students of the Malaysian Buddhist Institute (Sangha) & (Lay People) 2019年马来西亚佛学院优秀学僧奖励金 2019年马来西亚佛学院优秀学生奖励金 颁发仪式

2019 Study Grants for students of the Malaysian Buddhist Institute (Sangha) & (Lay People) 

2019年马来西亚佛学院优秀学僧奖励金 / 2019年马来西亚佛学院优秀学生奖励金颁发仪式


On 12-11-2019, an award totalling RM2,200 was presented by YBBM its Penang premise as bellow:
1) 2019 Study Grants for students of the Malaysian Buddhist Institute (Sangha)
The Yayasan Belia Buddhist Malaysia set up the Malaysian Sangha Fund to assist the sangha members of Malaysian Buddhist Institute since 1991. This educational funds amounting to RM300 per person have been presented to the sangha members annually.

2) 2019 Study Grants for students of the Malaysian Buddhist Institute (Lay People)
For the lay students studying in the Malaysian Buddhist Institute, the Yayasan Belia Buddhist Malaysia contributed educational grants annually. Each grant is RM200. The Yayasan Belia Buddhist Malaysia also set up the Memorial / Personal Charity Fund whereby the interest accrued from such funds are utilised as educational Grant to the Study Grants for Students of The Malaysian Buddhist Institute (Lay People).

The Yayasan Belia Buddhist Malaysia would like to take this opportunity to thank the donors of the Memorial / Personal Charity Fund for the kind contribution towards the said fund.

The Yayasan Belia Buddhist Malaysia has been since its formation organising long term projects in the welfare and educational section.

The above funds are presented to the deserving students to help them to pay for their exam fees as well as other necessary expenses. Untill now, 447 Memorial / Personal Charity Fund has been set up by individuals. The funds given out are the interest accumulated. Those who are interested to contribute the minimum of RM2,000 to set up So-So Charity Fund may contact Yayasan Belia Buddhist Malaysia, 129, 1st Floor, Seang Tek Road, 10400 Penang, Tel : 04-228 7146, Website : or email :
马来西亚佛教发展基金会所创议设立上述基金,目的为方便个人从事长期性福利工作。捐献RM2,000.00或以上者,可以其名义设立基金。至今,基金会共保管447项纪念及个人慈善基金。基金会将为此项基金设立各别定期存款户口,其利息作为各项福利用途。有意者,可移玉基金会会所129, 1st Floor, Seang Tek Road, 10400 Penang索取表格,浏览基金会网址,电邮:ybbmhq@gmail.com或来电04-228 7146询问详情。