马来西亚佛教发展基金会于2020年2月22日(星期六),上午十时卅分,在槟城会所举办新春吉祥法会。由法师主持洒净及诵经祝福仪式,祈求世界和平、国泰民安,护法们所求皆如愿 。法会过后,以全体捐献红包大德的名义举行供僧仪式。基金会吁请会员与护法们来年继续支持基金会是项活动。
New Year Blessing Service & Dana was held at
the YBBM Head Office in Penang on 22nd February 2020 (Saturday), at 10.30am.
This is an annual event held to usher in the Chinese New Year where Paritta
Chanting for protection, sharing of merits and blessings were conducted by the
Sangha members. YBBM hereby appeal to members and well-wishers to come forward
to support this project for the incoming year.