Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Work Progress as on 30th December 2009

The weather for the month of December had improved even though most of the time the site was site wet. However, the progress of the work at the Shrine Hall and the TNB substation was not much affected and the Contractor was able to progress reasonably well. The progress to date was about 50%.

The brick walls of the Shrine Hall and the TNB substation were completed sometime in mid-December. Towards the end of the month, the Contractor had started plastering the walls to the substation. Plastering to the walls of the Shrine Hall was on hold until installation of cable and air-con ducting are installed.

The Contractor had also started assembling the steel roof truss on the 5th and the assembling was still in progress. The roof truss were assembled on the ground and would be lifted to position upon complete inspection by the Engineer.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Work in Progress as on 31st November 2009

The Site was generally wet through out the month and the weather had slowed down the construction. The Contractor managed to complete the concrete structure of the Shrine Hall building and the TNB substation towards the end of the month.

The construction of the TNB substation brick walls had just started and the Shrine Hall was awaiting its roof truss to be assembled.

The work progress was at approximately 40% complete.