Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Report on the Bodhi Park Luncheon

The Bodhi Park Lunch was held on the 14th March 2010 at the Thean Hou hall.

The committee had decided on a luncheon rather than dinner as the evenings during that period was not available.

The guest of honour was the Ven. Saranangkara, abbot of the Sentul Sri Lankan Vihara, with attendances also by Ven. Dharmarattana and Sangha members from all the three traditions.

Although we had initially planned to have 10 representatives from each tradition, we actually had close to 50 members of the Sangha attending and fortunately were able to accommodate all.

We were also fortunate to have with us, Dato Tan Gin Soon, the VP of YBBM as well as some of the senior committee members from Penang, as well as the advisor to the fund raising committee, Dato Ong Kah Chuan.

Although we had planned to have 50 tables for this luncheon, we ended up with 53 tables due to some last minute attendances.
The feedback from the attendees was that the food provided was of a high standard and they were very happy with the selection and quality.

The programme was carried out smoothly, with few hiccups and the volunteers, performed well, as did the singing group.
We managed to raise the sum of about RM 70K, after expenses, from both sales of luncheon tickets as well as donations from well wishes.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Work Progress as at 30th April 2010

Buddha Image was delivered on 5th April. The 9-foot tall image was unloaded infront of the Shrine Hall and was awaiting installation.

The roof of Shrine Hall was completed. The internal finishing was awaiting the interior designer to complete her proposal.

The Contractor had proceeded with the construction of the roadwork and car park. However not much progress could be achieved with the temporary water supply pipeline belonging to the housing developer still in the way.

Overall progress at the end of the month was about 68%.