Tuesday, February 6, 2018

2018 GIFT Project - Children aid programme, you are welcome to support

GIFT Project  *护苗教育助养计划* 已开放申请,欢迎大家协力推动这项由 YBBM 开创的常年公益善举。 

✤ 自1989年成立,不间断地助养16岁以下的贫困学童。
✤ 每位受惠学童将获颁 RM600一年,但需每年重新申请。

 GIFT Project - this children aid programme is to provide financial assistance to the needy children.

You are welcome to support this programme.

Below is the brochure cum form for the programme sponsorship.

Past programs have benefited many children in various parts of Malaysia.

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