Saturday, August 18, 2018

2018 World Buddhist Stamps Gallery to be set up in Penang

The World Buddhist Stamps Gallery located at 129 Jln Seang Tek, 10400 Penang.

This gallery is scheduled to open to public soon.

Now  YBBM is getting donors to support and contribute for the set up of the gallery. You are welcome to contribute.

For enquiry, Pls contact YBBM, tel +60 4 228 7146.


阿弥陀佛, 六时吉祥! 

马佛基金会即将在槟城设立世界首间佛教邮票展览馆。本馆收藏与展示的佛教邮票数千张,皆是梁国兴居士多年来收藏与保存的珍贵邮票。我们感恩梁居士无条件将如此珍贵的佛教文物,捐献给马佛基金会保存,管理以及设立展览馆,让更多人通过邮票认识佛教,起文化传承及教育作用。佛教邮票展览馆的设立,在建设及发展大马佛教上,献上一 份心力。这项历史性的项目,我们希望通过众筹(Crowd Funding)的方式让大众参与,欢迎大家随喜献捐, 多多益善,共同募集马币十万元的建馆费用。我们感恩您的支持。


马佛基金会    合十


Click on the image to enlarge the sponsorship form

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