Wednesday, March 13, 2019

World Buddhist Stamps Gallery 世界佛邮馆

World Buddhist Stamps Gallery

Happy Wesak BE2563 Greetings to you & your family

The Yayasan Belia Buddhist Malaysia has produced 16G Pendrive card of 4 Buddhist Holy Sites in conjunction with this year’s Wesak Celebration. It is available in per set of 4 of 16G per pendrive.

All donors who contributed RM120.00 to help the World Buddhist Stamps Gallery to prolong and fulfill its mission to share its collection with the world will receive 1 set of this.
You may bank in your donation of RM128.00 (inclusive of postage) to :
Yayasan Belia Buddhist Malaysia MBB A/CNo:0-07013-51190-5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
Please forward your bank in / transfer details to:
Whatsapp to: 019-4187146 OR Email to:



敬请将您的捐献RM128.00(包括邮费)汇入Yayasan Belia Buddhist Malaysia, MBB银行户口号码:0-07013-51190-5。并将汇款资料发给我们,Whatsapp:019-4187146或电邮

Donors Information 赞助人资料:

Name 姓名 : _____________________________
Address 住址 __________________________

________________ Postcode 邮区 ___________

Mobile 手提 : ________ Email电邮 : _________

Donation Amount捐献金额:RM_____________


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