Saturday, January 27, 2018

2018/01/27 YBBM elected new board of directors

On 27.01.2018, YBBM held the annual general meeting at the headquarter in Penang.

The new board of directors are elected.

Congratulate to all the board members and look forward for their contribution and support for the growth and development of YBBM.

Below is the board members photo session with YBAM leaders.

front row from left - Yeoh Kia Gee, Tong Cheng Boey, Dato Tan Gin Soon, Dato Ang Choo Hong, Sek Chin Yong (YBAM President), Chua Chong kee, Ooi Ean Ping

standing row from left - Tan Chan Sin (YBAM Perlis SLC Chairman), Ang Chong Teck, Teh lai Tien, Lau Seong Wah, Howe Wan Chong, Wong Sook Kim, Goh Qingsong, Tan Eng Hock, Teoh Kah Yew

Not in photo - Tan King Leong
主席 Chairman
拿督洪祖丰Dato’ Ang Choo Hong

副主席 Vice-chairman
高级拿督陈颖椿Dato’ Tan Gin Soon, DMPN

小组Units 负责人 Person-in-charge

行政组Administrative Unit
高级拿督陈颖椿Dato’ Tan Gin Soon, DMPN
陈音福Tan Eng Hock
黄燕萍Ooi Ean Ping
吴青松Goh Qing Song

财务组Finance Unit
杨嘉仪Yeoh Kia Gee

张甲由Teoh Kah Yew        

宣传与出版Publicity & Publications
王淑娟Wong Sook Kim

Corporate Social Movement
戴来展Teh Lai Tien
王淑娟Wong Sook Kim

菩提园组Bodhi Park Unit
拿督洪祖丰Dato’ Ang Choo Hong
蔡宗枝Chua Chong Kee
侯源章Howe Wan Chong
张甲由Teoh Kah Yew        

护苗教育关怀计划YBBM Gift Project
洪崇德Ang Chong Teck
唐菁梅Tong Cheng Beoy
刘祥华Lau Seong Wah

YBBM YBAM Coordination
陈健良Tan King Leong


YBAM - Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia, registered with Registrar of Society

YBBM - Yayasan Belia Buddhist Malaysia, registered with Registrar of Company

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